and the day has come 30th June 2012, it's the day i had my Body Combat Training with master trainer Judy King and Robin Sinurat. we got 11 people who'd joined this program. :)
1st day - was the tiredness day.. we're all had to learned about the right technique, throw away all the old habits, testing our fitness. well it is so tired..
2nd day - all of us got the assessment. I'm going to take track 5 from BC 52. it's a short track but it's challenging as well.. :) Poor me for today, i had a lil injury on my hamstring.. geezzz..
3rd day - the last day, the last assessment, the last drill, the final result. All of us was so tense today.. The tiredness was the Body Combat Challenge ohhh booy, looks like fast and fit class but this one was so challenging.. The last assessment i got was track 6 from BC52, well it is so killing me, fight with my hamstring till i forgot the choreo.. ohh crap.. looks like i'm done, but the end result was I pass as trainee.. yooossssshh.. all my hard work, all of the courage that you guys give me.. it works. Love you guys.