Monday, June 18, 2012

my review for Body Combat 52

well well... here i am today, after we'd done the new release for Body Combat 52 at Celebrity Fitness Sun Plaza, and now here is what i'm going to give my review :

- track 1 > "warm up" "rain over me", heeeyy is this a warm up track..??? hahahahag... though the song was fun but the choreo was a bit challenging :D already got the jumping jack and shoot moves in the middle of the song.. wahlaoooeee.. #ciaklat ee . uurrmmm upper body done, now it's lower body part "i'm sexy and i know it" wwhooaa this song really make you want to shake your bon bon.. ;p well it's only me to do the wiggle.. hahahag.. this track is so tempting.. start with muay thai hips roll, then move to knee.. i like the way when we do the round house kick and continue to back kick.. usually we change leg position but this one no.. :)

- track 2 > "combat training 1" the double knife strike was a bit confusing at the first., but it's easy when u do it continuously.. from this track it only got one combo.. upper upper hook then round house..

- track 3 > "power training 1" here it is my favorite track from BC52.. boxing training.. start with jab cross, combo with double uppercut right and left.. the 2nd combo was jab jab cross, aim for the head body cross, though it's just a jab but it'll drew your energy out. try to do it with power cross.. you'll sweat all the way and your shoulder will burned hahahag.. #trustme

- track 4 > "combat training 2" whoooaaa.. what i said was this is the start.. this track got lot of kicks, back kick, front kick, knee... the total was 234 kicks.. fantastic!!! guess what, your lower body especially you legs will feels like jelly.. lol... it got 16 back kicks then continue to do kickkata (back kick, double knee, front kick) lot of kick kata here.. sure it burns.. step kick, jump kick.. like Dan said "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but right now you give yourself the gift of the present, good to your body good to your mind, better for your legs"

- track 5 > "power training 2" this track is about speed.. the combo was easy one, double jab uppercut then scissors.. 2 combo we got circuit training, got 4 level in doing jab cross hook.. and ya this song make u want to sing la la la la la la la ..

- track 6 > "combat track 2" the mother of all the track 6 maybe.. :D hip hop capoeira.. whooooaa song from beyonce (ring the alarm) is the most tough song is think, my legs are burning in this track.. T_T need balancing for this track.., non stop moving for your legs till you yelled "AMPUNNNNN".. no esquiva moves but the combo moves is just double front kick, lunges, ginga and then add on side kick (E-kick). it is simple but guess what TOUGH SONG IT IS FOR SURE!!!.... you're butt will look more sexy. :D

- track 7 > "muay thai" 7+ minutes for this track.. O.O" long track for muay thai it is.. easy combo moves (4 jabs then elbow) well then continue to running man.. hahahag.. you can see it's an easy moves aite.. but taste it first.. sure you'll lose your breath over here.. the exciting part from this track is the freestyle moves.. yeaaahhh it's freestyle., you can do any punch, hook, uppercut as you like.. try me.. :p

- track 8 > "power training 3" as usual the last power training track is the longest one than track 3 and 5., start with double jab hook, then add on combo 8 jab cross. feel the rhythm for this track, coz you're already drew all your power before.. well in this track my punch quality was getting weaker.. *sigh* but if you still got the energy, what i'm going to say is to bring it all out for this track..

- track 9 > "conditioning" push up at the first., this will make your arm, your shoulder getting stronger.. then we go continue to sit up.. got single sit up then combo it with C-crunch.. if you want a challenge, do it with robot style cause this song will make you like a robot... it is only what i think.. heheheheg...

- track 10 > "cooldown" nothing to say for this track, just feel the song and do your cooling down moves.. i fell for the song.. cin ho thia ar.. "The Fighter - Gym Class Heroes".

Overall this new release of "Body Combat 52" is killing... hahahag.. oopppss... it's a tough one, tough track, tough choreo, it got so many kicks. Well.. thx to Dan and Rach for this new release., it got awesome track and yes it is also tribute to one of the great Lesmills Instructor "Hernan Lopez".
Last word, prepare your legs before doing this new release.. :p

Next is to wait for another 3 month to have a new release again..

Keep it real and stay with the fight. #kiyakaha

Body Combat 52

With our great instructor mommy Diana

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